Colour Codes:-
Adjectives - Purple
Verbs/Adverbs - Blue
Noun - Green
1.The big, furious monkey jumped furiously on the trampoline.
2.The goofy, silly monkey jumped merrily and hugged me in the circus.
3.The small, adorable monkey shyly giggled on the tree top.
4.The naughty, furry monkey brutally attacked Iman in the forest.
5.The brown, tiny, cute, playful, happy and wise monkey jumped playfully on the Etihad plane.
1.My adorable, cheeky, little dog ran swiftly back home.
2.My tall, grey, obedient dog excitedly ran to my grandma in Arizona.
3.My aunt’s cute dog, Cookie, would hastily eat tasty biscuits right out of my hand.
4.My neighbour’s dog, Kiko is so wise and playful that he would hurriedly rush to rescue someone who fell down.
5.At my grandmother’s place in India, there used to be lots of noisy stray dogs which would bark deafeningly all night long.